ProUnity est le point de contact unique (SPOC) pour cette mission. Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez contacter Musli Muslija, Client Satisfaction Manager, par e-mail à
Description de mission
IT department of Stib is looking for a high qualified profile (Expert) in portfolio management to reinforce the existing PMO team composed of 2 people.
Scope :
- “Run” activities structured in services
- “Initiatives” structured in demands & projects (+ dependencies)
- Financial budget planning and controlling (Mult-year)
- Strategic planning (Multi-Year)
- 6 business lines of activity (Customer, HR, Finances, Tranport Systems, Corporate, Operations)
Deliverables expected :
- Budget management : Structure & Manage IT costs in a way Finances, IT and Business can optimize the usage.
- Project portfolio Management : Structure and Manage the project portfolio based on ServiceNow SPM product.
- Services portfolio Management : Structure & Manage the services that IT deparment is offering
- Strategic Roadmap of Projects & Investments
Team :
- Federated model used with 3 people located centrally and 5 people working in each unit
- Create & Animate the guild of PMO (8 people) , Extend to IT PMs (~15 people)
- Report to Head of CIO Office
Informations additionnelles:
La mission peut être reconduite pour une durée maximale (durée initiale comprise) de : 880 jours ouvrables