Over the past decade, David Muyldermans has established ProUnity as a key player in the external talent market. When you meet him, his positive energy and focus on constant change and improvement are striking. For David, success comes from collaboration, respect, trust, perseverance, and courage. He believes, “Together, we achieve more!”

David prefers meaningful discussions to simple choices. Whether it’s cats or dogs, coffee or tea, mountains versus beaches, pop or classical music, his answers will depend on the context, and the people around him. He seeks shared experiences, tackling challenges, and achieving results.

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After careful thought, David describes himself as “daring.” His sparkling eyes and friendly demeanor quickly put you at ease. Conversations with him often shift from casual exchanges to deeper discussions.

“I maintain a positive outlook on life and enjoy myself, but I always strive to move forward.”

Binary and Qbit Entrepreneurship

David combines honest, rational thinking with intuitive, contextual, and collective perspectives. His mind operates not just in binary mode, but also with quantum bits. He recognizes and appreciates the positions between 0 and 1, relating them to values like respect, consultation, and loyalty.

This approach aligns perfectly with his vision as CEO of ProUnity, where technology and human interaction enhance each other.

“ProUnity is a unique company with passionate, skilled people. Together, we craft a fantastic story in the world of hiring and managing external talent. Technology is our tool, not our goal. It simply helps us to connects people and facilitate collaboration.”

Common Sense

David learned early on at home the importance of hard work and using common sense. While theories, books, and TED talks can enrich understanding, they can also create noise in one’s thinking.

“Every context is different. That’s why I question myself and my work daily, testing my ideas with trusted individuals. I prefer to be on the ground, engaging with as many parties as possible and listening. That’s where the real learning happens.”

- prounity ciuperca and muyldermans prounity hr tech leaders

A Story of Perseverance

David admires those who achieve results with an open mind and good spirit, whether in social settings, politics, or entrepreneurship. He follows this path in his career, with ProUnity being a standout achievement.

“As an entrepreneur, you don’t give up. You keep going, even when the going gets tough. It may sound odd, but I always say, ‘It will be fine.’ When your company energizes you, everything becomes easier. The key is to believe in your project and enjoy the journey, learn to make choices and pursue them with unwavering determination.”

Continuous Improvement

In 2000, David entered the world of fixed-price contracts and soon began working on outsourcing projects. He met interesting people and great clients along the way, but grew frustrated with the lack of structure and transparency in contingent workforce management. He was convinced this market could be improved, but HR and hiring experts were sceptical about initiatives promoting openness and efficiency.

“Despite the non-believers, we outlined a new business model. Research confirmed the feasibility, under the condition that we could find a driven IT expert to smartly digitize the complex process.”

Respect for Cristian

David managed to convince Cristian Ciuperca to join the venture, after much persuasion. They had previously collaborated successfully on complex projects, proving their value and compatibility.

Their personalities differ significantly, but they complement each other well, leading to constructive and enriching exchanges.

“I have the greatest respect for Cristian! We pursue the same goals, create space for debate and new insights, and continuously strengthen each other.”

- prounity cristian ciuperca gives a presentation about prounity hr technology

Giving Your All, Every Day

In the first year of ProUnity’s creation, David and Cristian worked tirelessly to build the platform, alongside their responsibilities in their regular jobs. They dedicated every evening, weekend, and holiday to the project. The idea evolved into a comprehensive solution, which Cristian translated into architecture and actionable steps for users. A talented Romanian IT team joined them, contributing to the project’s success.

“Of course, financing, finding, and retaining employees and clients posed significant challenges. But the biggest challenge is to maintain your composure and positivity, each and every day. You must keep believing in yourself, your partners, and your project!”

Stay Focused

After that intense first year, the path to rapid growth began. However, new challenges emerged. Business contacts shared all kinds of ideas on how to further develop the project. The temptation to explore enticing suggestions for expanding the business was strong. Yet, the team remained focused.

“ProUnity aims to be the best partner for companies to hire and manage external talent as efficiently as possible. Our best decision? We stick to our plan! The confirmation from our clients that they see us as a true partner was invaluable to stay on course.”

Keep Building

Wisdom comes with experience. You must navigate your path through trial and error while keeping your goals in sight. David knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur since he was 20, even if he didn’t know exactly where the road of life would lead him.

“I have always wanted to build something myself. To do this, you must go all in and never give up. By continuously questioning yourself, you learn what works, discover your direction, and create new opportunities to achieve your goals. With Cristian as my partner, and our great clients and team to inspire us and back us up, we make excellent progress, every day!”