Collaboration kicks off for efficient sourcing and management of external construction profiles.

Brussels, October 15, 2024ProUnity announces its partnership with the Facilities Agency of the Flemish government, Agentschap Facilitair Bedrijf, after a successful six-month implementation. In March 2024, ProUnity won the framework agreement to assist in finding and managing external construction and engineering profiles. Various buyers can now join this agreement to easily hire hard-to-find experts at market-compliant prices for their temporary assignments.
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The Facilities Agency, Agentschap Facilitair Bedrijf, supports entities within the Flemish government and local authorities with a wide range of services in facilities, real estate, document management, and public procurement. With this framework agreement, potentially 1,140 buyers can utilize ProUnity’s services. They include agencies and departments of the Flemish government, local authorities, and inter-municipalities such as VDAB, Plantentuin Meise, and the Roads and Traffic Agency Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer.

Within a clearly defined and transparent framework, supplier service providers and freelancers can quickly apply free of charge for construction assignments through ProUnity without needing to follow complex procedures. With its Vendor Management Software (VMS) ProUnity ensures efficient and fluent support throughout the entire process—from job requests to hiring staff to the follow-up, timesheet management and invoicing.

ProUnity’s proposal received the highest score during the bid for this framework agreement. Besides pricing, the quality of the service organization and implementation project were evaluated. This demonstrated ProUnity’s ability to efficiently and qualitatively meet the client’s goals, guidelines, and requirements.

“Together, we are now offering interesting assignments in the construction sector for external specialists in Flanders, such as engineers and project managers, BIM consultants, and environmental coordinators. Participation is made simple and transparent for both large and small players, while clients also benefit, filling in temporary assignments smoothly at market-compliant prices!”
– David Muyldermans, CEO of ProUnity –

About the Facilities Agency – Agentschap Facilitair Bedrijf (AFB)

The Facilities Agency Agentschap Facilitair Bedrijf supports entities within the Flemish government and local authorities with a broad range of facility services. The agency aims for an efficient and sustainable service offering while setting an example in real estate management, document management, and coordination of construction projects. It also manages the Terra Patrimonium and energy database Flanders—an online platform providing an overview of all buildings and plots owned by the Flemish government.