Embracing change is the new normal

Fear of the unknown, uncertainty about new ways of working… we all face these challenges. That’s why it’s crucial for all colleagues and departments in a company involved in a project changing the status quo to understand and approve the new systems and processes.

The same applies when adopting a Vendor Management System, says Thomas Scheerlinck, Account Manager at ProUnity. He is closely involved in launching new collaborations with clients. His approach: quickly involve all stakeholders, pay close attention to compliance and cost-effectiveness, and continue to evaluate and steer your service providers. And above all, realize that digitalization (with a human touch) is the new normal!

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1. Make sure everyone is on board

Tip: create a solid foundation.

Careful planning and execution of a VMS implementation is truly necessary, from the kick-off and intensive initial phase to further onboarding, training, evaluation and adjustment.

Thomas Scheerlinck: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Everyone on the team must understand that the new approach is not up for discussion, and that management is counting on all people involved to make the project a success. We’re actually bringing a gift, a solution to a pain point. If you can convey that, you’ll quickly go from doubts to enthusiasm.”

Tip: assemble a strong multidisciplinary project team.

The sooner you involve all relevant stakeholders, the better. Information sessions and workshops can explain the new system and collect feedback. Next, regular coordination and weekly meetings are a good idea. It also helps when an MSP expert meets client users and answer their questions.

T.S.: “Each VMS project has its own stakeholders. We often talk with financial managers, line managers and buyers, in addition to IT and HR. Everything goes better if they form a tight-knit team with the person responsible for the implementation, and communicate openly. Integrating with existing systems and adoption in the company then becomes much easier.”

Tip: Rapidly make platform use tangible.

A practical demo helps to erase uncertainties and doubts. Regular meetings and sprint sessions afterwards keep everyone on the same page.

T.S.: “ProUnity tunes the platform to the client’s structure and employee roles using standard tools. New users then quickly see that the platform fits their way of working. As soon as they start tracking time registrations and other admin tasks, they see that everything becomes easier. Of course, being able to count on help and guidance is also reassuring.”

2. Tackle compliance and regulations ASAP

Ensuring compliance is crucial for companies, also when using a VMS/MSP solution. Fortunately, a solid platform provides a clear structure with defined rights and all the tools to fully respect boundaries with all stakeholders.Tip: Define and share clear compliance criteria.It is wise to already indicate the legal requirements and internal rules when selecting your VMS/MSP partner. At the start of the collaboration, the protocol is incorporated into agreements and procedures for dealing with information, security authorizations and clearing specific profiles.

T.S.: “The ProUnity team has extensive experience with compliance, framework agreements and regulations. We work for important organizations holding a strategic position in the economy and society. They usually  have a framework in place, but it remains important to incorporate it in the start-up phase of each partnership, and regularly update the information.”

3. Cost-effectiveness: Monitor and Document Your ROI

Implementing and maintaining VMS and MSP services requires time and energy. A clear view on estimate costs is key, as well as preventing unexpected expenses. The more you know, the stronger your project becomes.

Tip: Perform a detailed cost-benefit analysis.

A clear picture of the total costs and expected benefits helps management make a well-considered decision about a VMS investment and its further development.

T.S.: “Recent cost-benefit analyses for our clients consistently show that collaboration with ProUnity scores significantly better than traditional ways of hiring external staff. As a bonus, we boost efficiency and save time, making our approach and investment even more attractive.”

Tip: Monitor the quality and prices of your service providers.

Your VMS should allow you to assess your service providers, with clear criteria and evaluation methods. Correct KPIs and evaluations with input from all VMS users help maintain sustainable relationships with all suppliers.

T.S.: “At ProUnity, we follow a golden rule: There’s always room for improvement! Constant interaction with our clients is the basis to further develop and improve the platform. Clients value their most reliable service providers, but it does not harm to regularly compare the quality and prices of all candidates offered. Openness is a healthy principle in an open market, where the best talent wins.”

4. VMS and MSP? It’s Time to Take the Leap

In recent years, a lot has changed in HR Tech. A powerful VMS has become the new industry standard – with or without a Marketplace and MSP support. This upgrade fits the changing world of work, and the entire process is automated and modularly deployable. A client is free to choose the tasks they want to keep managing internally and those they want to outsource their MSP team.

Tip: Realize digital is here to stay (and it’s time to join the party!)

Digitally managing external talent really is the new normal. It’s time to take the leap. Why hold on to the old ways, when you can achieve better results via the digital super highway?

T.S.: “ProUnity has evolved from a challenger of the status quo to a respected business partner. Once you use the platform, you don’t want to go back. The market has shifted to embrace the role of external talent, and our role in this new world of work keeps growing. Once you see this new reality as an opportunity, you can only win.”