6 months
25/03/2024 - 30/09/2024 Brussels, Belgium
  • Application Tester Expert
  • Dutch Active knowledge
  • English Active knowledge
  • French Active knowledge
  • Testing (JUnit, Lambok, Mockito, SOAP UI, Cucumber, selenium, test bench...) Confirmed
  • Agile mindset Confirmed
  • Java Expert
  • Java Enterprise knowledge Confirmed
  • testing framework Expert
  • test coordination or test management Confirmed
  • test coverage tools/ code quality tools such as sonarqube Confirmed
  • Automatization and DEVOPS techniques ( pipeline, CI/CD) Expert
  • reporting tools (eg: Grafana) Confirmed

ICT within the SFPD

The SFPD (Service Fédéral des Pensions – Federale pensioen dienst) has 4 main responsibilities

·        Inform and advise the citizen on his/her retirement 

·        Define and grant retirement benefit and IGO/GRAPA (Inkomsten Garantie Ouderen / Garantie de Revenus aux personnes âgées) 

·        Pay correctly and on timely manner retirement benefits, annuities, compensations, victim of terrorism allocation  and IGO/GRAPA 

·        Support Political decision making by providing data, impact analysis and expertise 

The ICT department helps the SFPD to fulfill its duties by providing the business user the tools required for their function. 

Approximately 250 persons are working in the ICT department and are staffed in 2 services. 

·        The development service in charge of creating the application 

·        The Platform and Enabling service which is the service in charge of providing the development teams with the infrastructure needed to create their applications.

Role Description 

As a test coordinator, the candidates has a transversal role in the application development teams (front and back end) used within the SFPD. 

The main responsibilities of this person are 

·        Making an inventory of test strategy (tools, framework, knowledge…) within the SFPD 

·        Perform an evaluation of these test tools (pro and cons) against the ICT vision of SFP

·        Establish a common test strategy for the SFPD ensuring that the test pyramid is efficiently covered (including selected test tools per level of test) 

·        Establish a roadmap to achieve the test strategy within 2 years

·        Ensure that the test strategy is  promoted and improved with pilot team and then gradually enforced in each of the 18 development teams. In that objective you’ll be supported by the internal  IT coordinators

·        Identify eventual development required in teams to reach the desired skills level to reach the objective (training, coaching, …) 

·        Facilitate a monthly COP which main goal is exchange of info between the testers (prepare for a subject, motivate participation, lead meeting, ensure networking within the team)

Working at least 2 working days a week in Brussels.


Degree and experience 

·        Bac or Master with proven experience (10 years) as a functional or technical tester

·        Experience as test coordinator or as test manager 


Hard skills  

The candidate has relevant experience in the following dimensions 


·        Testing framework knowledge (different level of tests, testing responsibilities, …) 

·        Active knowledge of modern testing frameworks (i.e.Junit,Lambok, Mockito, SOAP UI, Cucumber, selenium, test bench,… )

·        Active knowledge of test coverage tools/ code quality tools such as sonarqube

·        Active knowledge of reporting tools (eg: Grafana) 

·        Automatization and DEVOPS techniques ( pipeline, CI/CD)&Practical knowledge of object oriented language (Java is  used) 

·        Java enterprise knowledge 

·        Strong Agile mindset 


Soft Skills 

The candidate

·        Has good communication skills (ability to adapt the message to audience)

·        Has strong motivational skills (ability to motivate people to reach a common goal) 

·        Is able to define priorities 

·        Is voluntary, perseverant 

·        Has a strategic and modern vision of testing 

·        Is assertive 

·        Is a team player 

·        Is willing to make a difference

·        Is able to handle change management

·        Is able to work autonomously 



·        The candidate is C1/C2 in FR or NL (native speaker or bilingual)  

·        The candidate is B2 English. He has full ability to read, write and speak in this language 

·        The candidate is B1 in the other national language


[1] https://europa.eu/europass/fr/common-european-framework-reference-language-skills