Unite tech and touch.
Enjoy our hand-made
VMS and dynamic Marketplace!

ProUnity’s in-house experts crafted the platform from scratch, merging digital prowess P with HR and business acumen. With rapid in-house development and user-driven enhancements, it’s an ideal fit for I our community model, benefiting the entire ecosystem with swift updates.

Digital J and human, integrated.

Be more efficient, transparent and compliant Together, we enhance hiring, internal collaboration, reporting, budgeting, and process control. As a bonus, we connect with legacy ERP, BI, and back-office systems through standardized protocols and data formats.

Scalable and modular services ― We support complex organizations, adapting in an agile way to evolving processes, tech, and markets. Regular client evaluations guide configuration enhancements and new feature releases. These efforts also serve the freelancers and suppliers who receive the same attention to detail and quality users experiences.

Agile Technology unburdens all users We digitize external talent management with AI and automation, simplifying sourcing, matching, contracting, and payments. Our smart matching engine and pricing benchmark tool enhance transparency and fairness, while we streamline end-to-end processes and collaboration among companies, freelancers, and suppliers.

Enjoy our hand-made VMS Tech!

J Integrating digital and human.

Be more efficient, transparent and compliant ⎯ Improve your hire and handle process, internal collaboration and reporting, budget, and process control. We also secure the fast bridge to legacy, ERP, BI, and back-office systems, via standardized protocols and data formats.

Scalable and modular services ⎯ We support complex organizations with fluctuating needs for internal users and external experts. We adjust in an agile way to evolving management processes, technology and market changes, and regularly evaluate features and configurations with our clients.

Agile Technology unburdens all users ⎯ With smart automation and AI, we digitize sourcing, matching, contracting, and paying external talent. The flow is simple, clear and fair, boosted by our smart matching engine and pricing benchmark tool. The team further streamlines the end-to-end process and improves the collaboration between companies, freelancers and suppliers.

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Other features.

Suppliers and freelancers can react very fast, and propose their services with one click, once they have accepted the contract conditions defining the collaboration with the client.

ProUnity’s rating tools help to analyse the value of each candidate and offer automated messages to inform selected and not-selected experts. They receive an overview of the criteria where they scored higher or lower than the other applicants. This is not just a nice to have, it’s even mandatory for public institutions governed by the public procurement law.

The admin to contact, propose a contract and go for approval is efficient and complete, but made simple in 4 clear steps, with all contract parameters at your fingertips.

Experts can fill in their timesheets fast and securely, both on desktop and on the ProUnity mobile app, with a coherent and fluent approval flow.

Each month, the external talent can decide to go for a fast payment, to cover cash flow needs. A limited fast payment fee is automatically deducted on the invoice.

ProUnity’s platform is loaded with helpful tools.

Unique Matching Engine ⎯ Solid scorecard ― ProUnity’s matching engine delivers a detailed scorecard listing in 4 to 48 hours. It ranks candidates on skills, competences, and job needs. The whole selection and recruitment becomes simple and logical.

Fast job Publication ⎯ Online in 4 easy steps ― Build, complete, and post new jobs in minutes. You fill in roles, skills, and languages, add job details, check the internal settings and the publication, and then launch your job post.

Real-time Pricing Benchmark ⎯ The right price. ― With the anonymous pricing of similar profiles, market and AI data, the benchmark tool helps clients to post jobs at market conform prices. Follow market price fluctuations, to maximize their chances to contract suitable experts for each job and avoid overspending.

Full Compliance ⎯ Avoid legal issues. ― Our system is built to fully support local and international laws and legistations and is easily fine-tuned to include internal compliance procedures and rules.

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ProUnity’s platform is loaded with helpful tools.

  • 1

    Unique Matching Engine

    Solid scorecard ProUnity’s matching engine provides detailed real-time candidate scorecards, with a ranking based on job requirements, skills, and competencies. Selection and recruitment becomes simple, objective and logical. Together, we define the unbiased parameters following sector regulations, making the selection listing fair and compliant.

  • 2

    Full Compliance

    Avoid legal issues ― Our system fully supports local and international laws and regulations, and easily includes internal compliance procedures and rules.

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    Real-time Pricing Benchmark

    The right price ― Using anonymized pricing data, market insights, and AI, our benchmark tool enables clients to post jobs at correct competitive rates and monitor market fluctuations to optimize expert hiring and cost control.

  • 2

    Fast Job Publication

    Online in a digital heartbeat ― Create, complete, and post new jobs in instants. Simply input roles, skills, languages, job details, review internal settings and launch your job post. It’s easy! The same fast and fluent experience makes the freelancers and suppliers happy users.

More features.
7 of 100+ fantastic ingredients…

Suppliers and freelancers get instantly notified for business opportunities so they can react right away, and propose their services in one click.

ProUnity’s system automatically informs candidates on strengths and weaknesses relative to other applicants. This ensures compliance with public procurement laws and industry regulations. It’s also simply being polite, we think.

Clients efficiently reach out to candidates, propose contracts, and seek approval in straightforward digitized steps, with all contract details at their fingertips. Everything happens on our VMS platform for clients, service companies and freelancers.

Active experts submit timesheets quickly and securely, both on desktop or via our mobile app, as part of an efficient and seamless approval process.

External workers have the option to request fast payment each month, to meet cash flow needs, for a minimal fee.

To better serve all users, the MSP team has access to real-time dashboards and multiple functionalities. This ensures frictionless coordination of any provided service.

Integrated communications, fast ticket creation, ITIL based for full and zero error follow-up of all user demand.

femme dans le désert


We challenge the status quo. In team with our users, we improve and add functionalities.

We move fast, with the market and users’ evolving needs.

We never stop developing our digital and human services. The team implements mobile tools, adds machine learning along the hiring process, and further automates our internal processes. Today’s challenges include expanding selection and rejection algorithms, boosting data management and expanding our powerful matching engine.

With the mobile app, freelancers manage their timesheets and invoicing on the fly, wherever they are.
They can view active missions, to-do actions, administrative information and all relevant documents. With direct access to their timesheet details, they can complete and submit their work, add expenses, and handle possible refusals by their client. When the client approves their report, the freelancer can rapidly create and submit the invoice, and opt for standard or fast payment. If necessary, credit notes can be created, and naturally, all profile information can be edited and updated.

Our cloud-based SaaS platform runs seamlessly on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE and Safari.
We ensure maximum quality, optimal performance, and usability by using performance frameworks and patterns. By combining our services as building blocks, we find the best solution for each client’s needs – from talent access to compliance and fluent process management. Integrated dashboards and reports and with real-time data collection add value of the tools, moving from operational to strategic insights in minutes.

Microsoft, Azure, and more.
The user interface was developed based on top technology, such as Angular, Durandal, KnockOut, Javascript. Built with Microsoft technology such as .NET, the platform is managed in a Microsoft Azure cloud data centre in Amsterdam. To easily adapt to the functional scope for projects, we work with layers. Command and Query Responsibility Segregation or CQRS helps to guarantee maximum modularity between the layers. This set of architecture principles allows to separate read and update operations for a data store.

Open for business.
A recent audit recorded 99.99% availability of the VMS platform over a 90-day period, excluding the limited downtime for releases. When they are added, availability still reached 99.50%.

Our VMS has unlimited capacities for data storage, volumes, and data processing. For high availability, disaster and recovery, our Microsoft Azure technology supports data storage from different locations in Europe.

SSO is standard.
ProUnity supports SSO identification via the OpenID Connect protocol. It is activated for multiple customers/ entities, including for our own team, through the Azure Active Directory enterprise applications. Clients can opt for a single or multi-tenant (with several customers in one environment).

Very satisfying.
On a regular basis, independent external experts execute intensive penetration tests on our platform. ProUnity received the “Very Satisfying” top overall score, thanks to the HTTPS protocol and CloudFlare, encrypting and securing all data in transit. User passwords are secured with a salted hash Key Derivation Function.

The Microsoft Azure cloud Infrastructure security further offers a solid security backbone. And Last but not least, the human factor is vital in security. We invest in training and updates on security protocols and safe interaction with the platform’s users.

femme dans le désert


Every day, together with our users, we challenge the status quo to enhance our services with high performance digital technology.

We rapidly evolve to meet changing market and user needs.
To further develop our digital and human services, o
ur team integrates mobile and web tools with machine learning and automated workflows. We’re continuously expanding algorithms, boosting data management, and enhancing our matching engine.

With the mobile app, all users effortlessly manage active missions, administrative tasks, timesheets, and invoicing. Freelancers and service companies can access admin data, to-do actions and timesheet details, submit their work, add expenses, and address client refusals. Once approved, they promptly generate invoices and credit notes, with options for standard or fast payment, and easily editable profile information.

ProUnity’s user interface is developed with sound technology like Angular and Microsoft .NET, and managed in a Microsoft Azure cloud data centre. To easily adapt to the functional scope for projects, we work with atomic design and sound architecture principles to guarantee maximum modularity between the layers, separating read and update operations for a data store. The cloud-based SaaS platform runs smoothly on all major browsers, with customized services as building blocks we meet specific needs, spanning talent access, compliance, and streamlined process management.

We’re always open for business, with a minimum of 99.9% total availability of the VMS platform, and even more during business hours. Data redundancy to two European Data Centers further strengthen full and secure access to all informations.

SSO identification is standard with ProUnity via OpenID Connect protocol, available for all customers/entities, including our own team.

ProUnity’s VMS consistently achieves high scores in independent external penetration tests. Our use of state-of-the-art technologies, tools, and protocols form a strong security foundation, along with the robust security provided by Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. We also invest in training and updates for security protocols and safe user interaction.