Six months ago, Rafael Fernandes – AKA ‘Raf’ – joined ProUnity as a Product Manager. Collaborating with Chief Product and Technology Officer Cristian Ciuperca, he drives the development of the ProUnity platform and coordinates team efforts.

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When Raf isn’t at work, he enjoys biking in Gent with his girlfriend, exploring nature, swimming, and organizing barbecues with friends. His love for diverse cultures and dreams of a road trip through Latin America reflect his open-minded nature. He expresses this in his work, connecting tech and touch to further develop ProUnity’s platform.

We grabbed a moment with Raf to chat about his work at ProUnity.

How do you look back on your first half year at ProUnity?
It was a rollercoaster for me, with new things to learn, and new challenges around every bend! It was a challenging and fun ride, filled with new acquired knowledge.

I enjoy the open team interactions, and the positive vibe at ProUnity.

Developing the new budget tools for our company users has been particularly rewarding. These tools provide a better and broader view on their spending. The improved access to budget information and supplier value, presented in an attractive visual format, will benefit many users across the platform.

What was your biggest challenge so far?
It was crucial to understand the product in depth, and the context and needs of the different users. The use of the platform and the interactions between clients, freelancers, and suppliers seem simple on the surface but are more complex when you dig deeper. The whole process must run like clockwork and remain compliant.

Our priority is always to improve the user experience.

It’s like moving a piece forward on a chessboard. Even a small step can change the game. So, it’s challenging to dive into every aspect with the team, make the right connections, and take the best actions to expand ProUnity’s platform services.

Has your perspective on HR-tech changed?

Yes, I now see that finding and managing external talent is dynamic process, and freelancers, suppliers, and clients all want a seamless user-friendly journey. We make complex steps simple and ensure that simple steps are well integrated in the bigger picture.  The stakes are high: each step is a moment of truth for the user, and it should feel effortless.

Can you give an example of how ProUnity makes work easy?

Our price benchmark tool for clients is a great example. When they prepare a job offer, the platform suggests a market benchmark day rate, based on extensive relevant data for the profile, gathered on our platform over time. This feature is very powerful: a credible market value replaces vague broad estimates.

How would you describe the company culture at ProUnity?

We have an open-door policy—often more like a ‘no-door’ policy. Management really listens, shares the big picture, and participates in day-to-day interactions.  Together, we focus on results, not just tasks.

Accountability is key at ProUnity.

We work together to reach the best results, allowing room for independence and ownership. At ProUnity, you can take on challenging initiatives, with strong team support and honest feedback, and there is room for each of us to learn and grow in our role.

It’s like playing football: we play the ball, not the other player.

We work together based on respect, embracing our diverse backgrounds and know-how. This open and positive exchange of ideas helps us to cover questions from all angles and develop smarter solutions. This suits me: I like to build bridges between people, bringing together different opinions to generate an intelligent solution.

So, you seem to have found your place here at ProUnity?

I really have, and I feel proud of our work as a team. It’s a real kick to see the new budget overview screens in development and think: ‘Excellent, wait till our clients can see this!’ Knowing our customers will appreciate our work makes my day.

Moving forward, I see a lot of room for personal growth.

In these six months, I’ve grown and I’m eager to continue this journey now that I have a deeper understanding of the ProUnity platform. There are ground-breaking developments ahead of us on our product roadmap. It inspires me to approach questions with an open mind, respect for the complex context of each interaction, and most of all, fully focused on our users.